2016 Audi A3 Sportback g-tron Photos

6:07 PM

2016 Audi A3 Sportback g-tron Photos

CNG tanks can often be heavy; not so with the g-tron’s, which both feature an Audi-engineered "matrix" design constructed from three layers.Audi A3 Sportback g-tron. Audi is taking a large step towards sustainable future mobility with the A3 Sportback g-tron. The five-door premium compact model, which The Audi A3 is a Small Family / Compact car produced since 1996. The first two generations of A3 were based on the Volkswagen Group A platform, which they share with The five-door Audi A3 hatchback, on sale in the States since the 2006 model year, never earned the respect it deserved. Despite possessing the automaker's well Check out the Audi A3 review at CARandDRIVER.com. Use our Car Buying Guide to research Audi A3 prices, specs, photos, videos, and more.the audi a3 is a premium compact hatchback from the german automaker and, when it went into production in 1996, featured the same styling as the () by Top SpeedAudi The latest news as well as a look at the automotive past with the best Audi pictures.Grazie alla collaborazione con la concessionaria Audi Firenze abbiamo avuto la possibilità di testare in prima persona la nuova Audi S3 Sportback e Audi Named after August Horch, whose family name would be "Audi" in Latin. Audi ads Audi brochures Audi commercials Audi related emblems Audi exhibits11 Pics 2014 Audi A5 Coupe DTM Champion Special Edition. 17 Pics 2014 Audi A3 Sportback g-tron. 39 Pics 2014 Audi A3 Clubsport Quattro Concept

Image Gallery 2016 Audi A3 Sportback g-tron Photos

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